Any current resident is eligible to apply for a garden plot in one of our four community gardens! The bulk of our gardens are approximately 32 sq feet and are a perfect opportunity to learn about gardening and grow some fresh veggies for your family!
Make sure you are able to commit to maintaining your garden throughout the summer and giving your plants or vegetables the TLC they so crave and desire.
Our Independence Community Garden is located across from our office at 338 Hoonah Avenue.
Our Silver Run Community Garden is located next to one of our maintenance shops at 3774 Gray Loop.
Our Houston Community Garden is located at the intersection of Andrews and Arctic Warrior Drive. We have 32 sq. foot plots available.
Our (brand new) Moose Crossing Community Garden is located near the Moose Crossing Community Center. Note: This garden was just completed last year, landscaping of the area leading up to the garden will not be completed until later in 2023.
You can view the garden plot policies at the link below.
Fill out your application by selecting subject “Community Garden” on our Contact Us page.
Applications must be submitted by 14 April 2023.
Selection is done by lottery. We’ll use the email address provided on the application to notify the winners after 22 April. Those who receive a garden plot will be able to pick up a key mid-May.