Projects are categorized based on their source of funding. Nearly 40% of collected BAH gets split amongst the 3 major project accounts below.


Reinvestment consists of projects with a minimum 20 year lifespan- think rebuilds and remodels.
Capital Repair and Replacement (CR&R)

CR&R consists of projects with a minimum 5 year lifespan- think fencing, flooring, and painting.
Quality of Life (QOLA)

Quality of life projects consist of community amenities- think playgrounds and recreation areas.

Communication varies dramatically from project to project. We may use any combination of the methods below to get the word out.

Emails are sent out to specific neighborhoods (or the entire base). To ensure you and your family receive email notifications, please be sure to sign up for our email list and enter the correct neighborhood.
Direct Mail

Direct mail is typically sent when we require entry into the home. Alaska law requires a minimum of 24 hours notice of intent to enter the home; however we always aim to provide multiple days notice.
Blog Posts

Blog posts can be found on our website. Most blog posts are posted to our Facebook page and emailed out to our subscribers.
Door Hanger

For projects that may involve entry into your yard, access to your roof, or access to the front/back door of your home. A notice (possibly denoting an intent to enter) will be posted to your door.
Community Forum

Q&A sessions, presentations, or open houses may be utilized as a method to communicate updates and impacts resulting from large projects.
Project Hub

Large scale, multi-phase projects with a large impact to residents will be posted below on the project hub. Additional details, drawings, documentation will be made available for each project.
Current Major Projects
This hub is designed for updates on major reinvestment projects. Note that until projects past the conceptual stage, they will not appear here.