After careful consideration, we have made the decision to cancel our bulk cable agreement with GCI. Since inception of our cable program, GCI has considerably expanded their innovative product offerings and bundle deals, and we believe our service no longer offers the value to our residents that it once did.
Effective 15 May 2021, cable services purchased through Aurora Housing will no longer be available.
- Should you choose to retain your cable service past 15 May 2021, please contact GCI customer support to transition your plan. They can be reached at 1 (800) 800-4800.
- Should you choose to cancel your cable service, please return cable equipment to GCI.
Regardless of whether you retain or cancel service, we request that you immediately shut off any direct cable payments to Aurora Housing, whether they be through rentcafe, mypay, or autopay through your bank. As a courtesy, we will not charge you for cable from 1 May to 15 May, however any past unpaid cable balances are still due to Aurora Housing.
View the letter sent on 4/12/2021
*Please note that only current cable subscribers received this letter.