Thank you to all who applied! The community garden application is closed for the season.
Any current resident is eligible to apply for a garden plot in one of our three community gardens!
Make sure you are able to commit to maintaining your garden throughout the summer and giving your plants or vegetables the TLC they so crave and desire.
Our Richardson community garden is located across from our office at 338 Hoonah Avenue. We have 90, 72, 60, and 48 sq. foot plots available.
Our Silver Run community garden is located next to one of our maintenance shops at 3774 Gray Loop. We have 32 sq. foot plots available. Note: There will be no dedicated parking until later this summer, until then users will be required to park on street and walk to the gardens.
Our (brand new) Houston community garden is located at the intersection of Andrews and Arctic Warrior Drive. We have 32 sq. foot plots available. Note: There will be no dedicated parking until later this summer, until then users will be required to park on street and walk to the gardens.
You can view the garden plot policies at the link below.
Fill out your application by selecting subject “Community Garden Application” on our Contact Us page.
Applications must be submitted by 14 April 2022.
Selection is done by lottery. We’ll mail the results to the winners after 22 April. Those who receive a garden plot will be able to pick up a key mid May.