We’re excited to begin rolling out a new system for maintenance requests and online payments. Beginning July 2020, you will be able to submit maintenance requests and process payments through RENTCafé, a user friendly software experience that integrates directly into our property management database; allowing for greater accountability, convenience, and tracking.
How do I sign up?
We will begin sending out welcome emails and letters to the emails we have on file; These emails were provided to us at move in when you signed your lease. When you receive your email:
- Click the link
- Create a password (note in some situations you may be required to input additional registration information to create your account i.e. phone number, name, email)
- Log in through the RENTCafé web portal OR download the RENTCafé app
Use the web portal
Log in
Download the app
If you do not receive an email please follow the steps below.
1) I didn’t get an email because my contact info has changed.
We have added a feature to our website that will allow you to update your resident contact information.
1. Go to our contact form
2. Select subject “Update Contact Information”
3. Indicate who on your account you’d like to update
4. Indicate whether you’d like us to re-send a RENTCafé welcome email to this updated contact
5. Enter updated contact information
6. Enter verification data
7. Click submit
Can my spouse have a separate log in?
Yes, each family member can sign up and submit requests through RENTCafé. We will, however, need to add your spouse’s email to our system.
Follow the instructions above to update your contact information in our system.
2) My contact hasn’t changed, but I didn’t get an email.
The RENTCafé email is probably caught in spam.
Open your spam filter and check for an email from “no-reply@rentcafe.com”. You may need to add “no-reply@rentcafe.com” to your spam whitelist/exceptions list to receive future emails.
3) I’m having other issues with RENTCafé.
We’re here to help and have prepared a number of troubleshooting tips for common questions or problems. If these don’t work, don’t hesitate to contact our office for assistance.
View the troubleshooting tips
What can I do with the RENTCafé App/Portal?
- Fingerprint Login (App Only)
- Review Past Work Orders
- Review Open Work Orders
- Submit Work Orders
- Upload Photos
- Upload Voice Memos
- Email Updates – Work Order Status Change
- Email Updates- Work Order Completion
- Online Payments
- Ledger Review
- And much, much more! (Stay Tuned)
Why the change?
It’s good for you, and us. The Air Force has directed all privatized housing partners to establish a more uniform system for tracking, receiving, and executing maintenance requests.
Our current system allows for online submissions, BUT does not automatically create a work order in our maintenance database. This means, all requests are manually entered. The new system automatically creates a maintenance record the moment you submit it. Less typing, fewer errors- wohoo! Furthermore, this record cannot be deleted by anyone, and enables our team to quickly schedule your work. You can then log in and view the progress of your work request.
Do this affect the email list?
Currently, no. You still must opt in to our informational and notification emails (link below).
Sign Up for Notification Emails