11.1.1 TOWN HALL MEETINGS. AMH and JBER Installation leadership will occasionally host community information exchanges (town hall meetings). Tenant participation is highly encouraged.
11.1.2 MAYORS PROGRAM. AMH sponsors a Mayors Program that is made up of volunteers representing their housing areas. They meet every 6-8 weeks to review and discuss community matters affecting all Tenants. Tenants are encouraged to volunteer. AMH provides incentives to Tenants who volunteer and are active Mayor Representatives. Contact information for the Mayor Coordinator is available at www.AuroraMilitaryHousing.com/mayors-program/.
AMH policy promotes and encourages limited commercial activities which may be properly carried out from family housing quarters. Activities may involve direct sales of products, small-item repair service, limited manufacture of items, and tutoring services. The Installation Commander or designated representative must approve all such activities in advance. The Installation may allow activities which are not at the expense of community tranquility, safety of the base mission, or compete with name brands in the military exchange. Tenants conducting a residential business (e.g. child care) will be required to comply with and are subject to inspection for compliance with government standards. The granting of permission by AMH does not serve as a warranty that the unit is suitable for the conduct of the Tenant’s business. Tenants are responsible for obtaining the necessary permission, licenses or equipment and will indemnify, save, and hold harmless AMH for any failures to obtain the necessary permission or licenses and for any damages to third parties arising from the conduct of Tenant’s business.
Two sales per housing unit are permitted per year. Signs advertising the sale are limited (two per yard sale), one for your yard and one at the entrance of the quad and can be obtained from the Self Help Center only. JBER does not allow signs other than those supplied by AMH; homemade signs are not allowed to be posted on JBER. Use care when placing signs at entrances to housing areas as not to impede visibility or traffic. Yard sale signs are NOT allowed to be placed in the median of Westover Drive (front of Commissary/BX).
11.3.1 COMMUNITY YARD SALES. AMH sponsors neighborhood wide yard sales each Summer season. These sales do not count towards the two yearly yard sales authorized per tenant.
AMH awards monetary prizes for those yards displaying outstanding care and pride of ownership. Criteria for Yard of the Month includes: mowing, trimming/edging, color, and lawn coverage. Landscape enhancements are not required, but if installed, must be maintained and weed free. Trees and shrubs trimmed and pruned, sidewalks, driveway and curb areas clean and free of debris, stored items are minimal and tidy, the general overall appearance of unit and grounds. Winners are selected by AMH.
AMH provides Community Centers in various subdivisions for the use of our Tenants. Community Center reservations are for AMH Tenants only. Community Center usage policies, procedures, availability, and reservations are available at www.AuroraMilitaryHousing.com/community-centers/. Community Centers cannot be used for any ‘for profit’ event, events that charges admission or fees, or any business related event for example: Tupperware, Home Interiors, Partylite, etc.